Love yourself

While Valentine’s Day is a celebration of romantic love, it can also be an opportunity to show yourself some love. With golf as your Valentine, you’ve got a partner that helps you to be the happiest, healthiest version of yourself.

Hitting a long drive down the middle, chipping in from around the green, holing a clutch par putt; these are the types of memories you’ll make during a life with golf, but there’s also the health and wellness perks to enjoy.

Spending time in nature does more than reduce stress and anxiety, it also makes you more mindful and aware. And taking that back into the other areas of your life makes you more resilient.

The 4- to 5-hours of walking you do over 18 holes burns up to 1,500 calories. That’s almost the same amount of energy as running a half marathon, but a lot more fun.

For the love of the game

Let us know what you love about this wonderful game and we’ll help you experience it more often.



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